Cliff Wilson Memorial Tournament

October 14 - 15 2006
Registration closes October 13, 2006

Texas Tech Exercise Sciences Center Map

Online Payments Not Accepted
**The Cliff Wilson Memorial Tournament has been changed to a two day tournament. There has been a slight format change to the Senior events. Please review those changes. For questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. See you in October!
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
FRED Announces the Cliff Wilson Memorial E and under Tournament To Whom it May Concern: I would like to take this time to announce the dates for the Cliff Wilson Memorial E and under Tournament at Texas Tech Univeristy. Cliff Wilson was a DTFC fencer that passed away in February 2003. This tournament is held in his memory. Half the proceeds go to a scholarship endowment at Texas Tech set up by Cliff's parents. This is a local level informal event. We would love to have you come and join us. Please note that some events have changed. Use the link below to register or check your registration status. Thank You Jay Young Assistant Coach , DTFC Vice-President Double T Fencing Club ------------------ Important Info: ------------------- Tournament: Cliff Wilson Memorial E and under Tournament Date: 10/14/2006 - 10/15/2006 Location: Exercise Sciences Center, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX Event | Date | Registration Closes E & Under Senior Mixed Epee- Sat 10/14- 8:30 AM Y14 Mixed Epee- Sat 10/14- 11:00 AM E & Under Senior Mixed Foil- Sun 10/15- 8:30 AM Mixed combined Y10 and Y12 Foil- Sun 10/15- 10:30 AM E & Under Senior Mixed Sabre- Sun 10/15- 12:00 PM Y14 Mixed Foil- Sun 10/15- 12:00 PM All events will be one round of pools with 100% promoted to DE. ***FOR ALL EVENTS THAT REACH D1 LEVEL: If any event reaches D1 level (or higher for youth events), the Direct Elimination will be 100% promoted with REPECHAGE. Any event that does not reach D1 level will be fenced with NO REPECHAGE. All USFA rules and regulations will be applied. USFA membership is required to compete. Membership forms will be available at the venue. COST: $10 for registration and $5 per event FENCERS WILL BE LIMITED TO TWO EVENTS per day. Except in special circumstances approved by the Bout Committee. **AFTER FENCING ON SATURDAY, everyone is invited to stay at the venue for the awarding of the 2006 Division Cups! The awards will be handed out immedietely after the fencing has ended. Here is a link for a map of that side of campus: Thanks for using FRED! Any problems, try or e-mail Peet Sasaki at Thank-you for playing!