Kenny Nopens Epee Competition Clinic

May 18 - 20 2018
Registration Closes May 16, 2018

Bozeman Fencing Association
15 Tai Lane, Bozeman, MT 59715 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
A competition based clinic with Kenny Nopens. Hone your technical and tactical skills. Ages 8-10 $20 Ages 11+ Inland Empire $45, non-IE $50 Ages 14+ Inland Empire $75, non-IE $85 Div I Inland Empire $80, non-IE $90
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
A competition based epee clinic with Kenny Nopens. Hone your technical and tactical skills. Older and more experienced fencers are encouraged to come to sessions including younger/less experienced fencers as the more advanced sessions will build upon those basics and thus move more quickly. Friday 4:00-5:30 Technical Skills all ages/skills 6:00-8:00 More Technical Ages 14+ fencers + comp class ages 11+ Saturday is the tournament - tournament fees are not included in the clinic fees. Kenny is available to clinic participants for specific feedback. A debrief session will be scheduled. Sunday's clinic will be tailored based off of our tournament fencing. Sunday 8:30 the club will be open for warm-ups on your own. 9:00-11:00 ages 11+ Tactical Drills 11:00-2:00 ages 14+ Further Tactical Drills 2:00-3:00 Division I level fencers (others are welcome to watch, leave early, or fence if space permits) Ages 8-10 $20 (1st Friday session and tournament feedback) Ages 11+ Inland Empire $45, non-IE $50 Ages 14+ Inland Empire $75, non-IE $85 Div I Inland Empire $80, non-IE $90 Bring dry and warm clothes to change into. Bring lunch, dinner, snacks, water bottles, electrolytes as needed Preregistration opens on 04/04/2018. Preregistration closes on 05/16/2018.