North Texas Grand Prix - Sabre

June 20, 2015
Registration Closes June 19, 2015

LSFC - Dallas
13701 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, TX 75240 USA Map
Accepts Payments Online
Largest Sabre tournament in Southwestern region. One last sabre tournament before Nationals and July Challenge.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
FRED Announces the North Texas Grand Prix - Sabre Mixed, Women, Team for women/Men ------------------ Important Info: ------------------- Tournament: North Texas Grand Prix - Sabre Date(s): 06/20/2015 Location: LSFC - Dallas 13701 Dallas Parkway Dallas, Texas 75240 Event | Date | Registration Closes Mixed Sabre | 6/20 | 9:00 AM Women's Sabre | 6/20 | 11:30 AM Men's team Sabre | 6/20 | 2:30 PM Women's team Sabre | 6/20 | 3:15 PM Fee:Registration fee $30 Event fess $20 Team $80 This is USFA sanctioned tournament. Current USFA membership is required.