NYFA Youth Cup #4
Registration closes February 9, 2025
Online Payment Required To Register
Epee Y8,Y10, Y12 and Y14 Mixed events,. $50 for fencers pre-registered through AskFRED; $70 walk-ins at the door.
This is one in a series of NYFA Youth Challenges for Y8,Y10,Y12,Y14 mixed epee.
NYFA Youth Challenge #1: 09/29/24
NYFA Youth Challenge #2: 11/03/24
NYFA Youth Challenge #3: 12/08/24
NYFA Youth Challenge #4: 02/09/25
NYFA Youth Challenge #5: 03/16/25
NYFA Youth Challenge #6: 04/27/25
The top 8 finishers in each event will earn medals and prizes! Points earned will be updated here: http://fencenyfa.com/youth-challenge-points-summary/.
Plan ahead and pre-register to save $20 on walk-in fees
$50 if pre-registered through askfred
$70 at the door
Events Scheduled:
10:00am: Y10 Mixed Epee
10:00am: Y8 Mixed Epee
1:00pm: Y12 Mixed Epee
4:30pm: Y14 Mixed Epee
Location and directions:
NYFA located at the third floor at 2702 West 15th Street, between Neptune Avenue and Hart pl in Coney Island, Brooklyn.
The club entrance is on the right side of the building. Take elevator to the third floor.
By Subway: D F N Q to Stillwell Avenue-Coney Island
By Car: Belt Parkway East Exit 6 or Belt Parkway West Exit 7B.
No parking is allowed in the building's lot.
Age Requirement
Y8 =2016-2018
You must sign a Liability Waiver when you register and each fencer and guardian complete a Health Questionnaire prior to arrival details to be announced. You must abide by and comply with all safety measures required by the tournament organizer. Anyone (fencer or guardian) refusing to comply with safety protocols will be escorted from the venue. If you cannot comply do not register for this tournament. Protocols will include, but are not limited, to the following:
Self-monitor and be symptom-free for at least 14 days prior to tournament. Stay home if you have had close sustained contact in last 14 days with anyone who was sick or known or believed to have COVID-19. Stay home if you are sick or do not feel well. Do not register if you are coming from a State listed on the New York State quarantine list. (https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-travel-advisory). Tournament organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone coming from one of these areas. Wash and sanitize all your fencing equipment. Consult the manufacturer for proper cleaning instructions to avoid possible damage to equipment.
Guardians must remain in designated seating areas off the fencing floor. Fencers should be comfortable with basic tournament procedures (including how to hook up) and troubleshooting, as no one will be allowed on the fencing floor. Tournament staff will be on the fencing floor in case some assistance is needed. If fencers are not self-sufficient, do not register for the tournament. Fencers must remain in designated seating areas. All warm-up activity must be done in designated areas. Refrain from contacting other participants and attendees (handshakes, body contact, etc.) Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow if you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your face, eyes or mouth with unclean hands. Do not share equipment such as weapons, body cords, fencing masks, gloves or uniforms, with others.
Events generally start 30-45 minutes after close of registration. Registration closes 30 min before the event.
All fencers must bring their current USFA card or be prepared to join at the door.
USFA membership cost $70, please bring a check payable to USFA or have credit card number.
Competition Format:
One round of seeding pools with 100% promotion to direct elimination
For more information visit our website http://www.fencenyfa.com or call (718) 996 0426