Drinko de Mayo Vets

May 4 - 5 2024
Registration closes May 3, 2024

Savage Fencing Club 8600 Foundry St, Savage, MD 20763 US Map Hosted by Savage Fencing Club

Online Payments Not Accepted
Top four male and female finishers earn a bottle of our own Drinko Cabernet.Top eight in each event get an engraved medal and small drinkie to console them. Free pizza for all. Non-alcoholic options.

Note that the Savage Mill will be hosting something called Geek Fest that weekend, from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. each day. This means there will be a lot of people in the Mill most of the day. Because of this, we suggest you arrive as early as convenient for yourself -- we will be there by 8 a.m. Also, because getting food might be a nuisance, we will be offering FREE pizza and beverages (possibly just water) to all fencers, coaches and friends who attend the Drinko de Mayo.