Drinko de Mayo Vets
May 4 - 5 2024
Registration closes May 3, 2024
Online Payments Not Accepted
Top four male and female finishers earn a bottle of our own Drinko Cabernet.Top eight in each event get an engraved medal and small drinkie to console them. Free pizza for all. Non-alcoholic options.
Registration closes May 3, 2024
Online Payments Not Accepted
Top four male and female finishers earn a bottle of our own Drinko Cabernet.Top eight in each event get an engraved medal and small drinkie to console them. Free pizza for all. Non-alcoholic options.
Note that the Savage Mill will be hosting something called Geek Fest that weekend, from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. each day. This means there will be a lot of people in the Mill most of the day. Because of this, we suggest you arrive as early as convenient for yourself -- we will be there by 8 a.m. Also, because getting food might be a nuisance, we will be offering FREE pizza and beverages (possibly just water) to all fencers, coaches and friends who attend the Drinko de Mayo.