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This Tournament has been canceled. If you have any questions, please reach out through the "Message the Organizer" link below.
November 5, 2024
Registration closes November 5, 2024

New Jersey Fencing Alliance 229 Hilton Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040 USA Map

Online Payment Required To Register

ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS CLOSED. Please contact if you wish to register.

This event is sanctioned by the USFA's NJ Division. You must be born between 2014-2017 to fence in Y10, between 2012-2015 to fence in Y12, and between 2010-2013 to fence in Y14.

** If there are more than 6 participants of each gender, separate men's and women's events will be held. We will cancel events with 5 or fewer participants by midnight of the day before.**

Events Scheduled:

Y10 Mixed Epee- starts at 4:00pm, check-in closes at 3:45pm

Y12 Mixed Epee - starts at 5:00pm, check-in closes at 4:45pm

Y14 Mixed Epee - starts at 6:00pm, check-in closes at 5:45pm

**Fencers MUST arrive prior to the close of check-in to participate in the event.**

Please make sure you have an updated 2024-2025 USA Fencing membership in order to compete in this event. Competitive or access memberships only.

All fencers must have required fencing attire and bring at least 2 working weapons, 2 working body cords, and 2 working mask cords.

Valid USFA membership is required. You MUST show your USFA card or have proof that payment has been made in order to check-in. Membership application CANNOT be done at the door. You can apply for your individual competitive or access membership ahead of time at .

**Liability Waiver - Upon entering this tournament you agree to abide by the current rules of the USFA and other applicable rules instituted by New Jersey Fencing Alliance. You acknowledge you are entering this tournament at your own risk and release the USFA and its sponsors, New Jersey Fencing Alliance, and referees from any liability. With entry you give consent to New Jersey Fencing Alliance to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital or clinic for any injury or illness that may arise during activities associated with this tournament. **

NJFA members registering for a tournament scheduled during a time slot in which they usually attend class are allowed to compete free of charge.


$45 NJFA Members: Alliance members who pay at the door.

$55 Full Preregistration: Preregistering and payment through Askfred prior to the day of the event.

$65 Walk-Ins: No preregistration, payment at the door.

**Credit payments at the door are subject to a 3% service charge**


New Jersey Fencing Alliance is located at:

229 Hilton Avenue, Maplewood, NJ 07040

Entrance behind sign on lower level

For questions or additional information visit our website at

or e-mail us at