TexasTech Open 2008

January 26 - 27 2008
Registration closes January 25, 2008

Texas Tech Universtiy Student Union Ballroom Map

Online Payments Not Accepted
New Location! Student Union Ballroom on Texas Tech Universtiy's Campus!
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
New Location! Student Union Ballroom on Texas Tech Universtiy's Campus! The 8th annual Texas Tech Open will be held at the Student Union Ballroom on the Texas Tech University campus. For directions please visit the Double T Fencing Clubs website at www.doubletfencing.com and follow the link on the front page. Here is a link for a map of that side of campus: http://www.ttu.edu/campusMap/quadrant.php?q=12 Cost: $20 registration fee ($30 late fee if preregistered after January 20,2008) $10 per event and $10 per team member. Team members that do not fence in an open event will be charged the registration fee. A rated fencers fence for free B rated fencers have registration fee waived **New Rule** Last year's winners of each individual event can fence that weapon for free. (If you don't know who this is, use FRED's search feature to look for last year's results.) If they choose to fence an additional weapon, their registration will be waived but they must pay the event fee. Second place will have their event fee waived, but not their registration fee. This does NOT apply to the team events. Sat. January 26, 2008 Mixed Open Foil - 9:30 am Mixed Open Sabre -1:30 pm Mixed Open Epee- 3:00 pm Sun. January 27, 2008 Team Epee and Team Foil- 8:30 Team events will be held simultaneously on Sunday January 27, 2008. Fencers may fence on either team epee or team foil but not both. Team Event Format Old style format. Teams of up to three fencers, alternate optional. Fence round robin against opposing team for a total of 9 five touch bouts. Team that wins most bouts wins the match. (Teams can fence short (meaning a team of just 2) but forfeit any bouts they can't field a fencer for. Winner of a double forfeit is determined by coin toss.) Team Epee may be self refereed. Team Foil will be refereed with local and outside referees. Team registration. To register your team go to the pre-registration page. At the top is a link that says "Looking for Team events?" Click on the link and you can register your team. Team names can be submitted at the event but fencers for a team must be registered under the team registration section. Events Format All individual events will be 1 round of pools with 100% advance to DE's with no repechage. Epee pools may be self refereed. Foil pools will be refereed by local and outside referees. National-level referees: Aaron Clements Jay Young Matt Hite Others to be named :)(Check back often for updates) Proof of USFA membership is required at registration. Membership can be placed at registration. Fencers are required to fence in proper fencing attire. USFA rules will be applied. Times listed are close of registration. Payment due at registration. (PLEASE ONLY REGISTER IF YOU ARE SURE YOU WILL BE ATTENDING.) Hotels: There are several major chains with hotels near the Texas Tech Campus. If you tell them you are staying for a Texas Tech event they will give you a discounted rate. Preregistration opens on 08/14/2007. Preregistration closes on 01/25/2008.