2023 Kaboom! Invitational Results

Unsanctioned Senior Mixed Saber 15 Competitors
Pl Fencer Club
1 Lee, River NIU
2 Classen, Cannon NIU
3 Brown, TJ NIU
4 Jones, Gabriy'el BUFC / NWINFC
5 Nyam Ochir, Angela NIU
6 Boldt, Dan NIU
7 Schilling, Ethan BUFC
8 Bauer, Jack NIU
9 Portincaso, Joey BUFC
10 Koeberl, Alex BUFC
11 Durbin, Sophia NIU
12 Gam-ad, Ragner Texas NIU
13 Kim, Richard NIU
14 Heroldt, Kae NIU
15 Robinson, Rachel BUFC
Unsanctioned Senior Mixed Foil 13 Competitors
Pl Fencer Club
1 Jones, Gabriy'el BUFC / NWINFC
2 Lin, Nathaniel
3 Blakeney, Maren ROCK FC
3 Lesimple, Marcy
5 Arreola, Aaron NIU
6 Click, Evan NIU
7 Hoffman, Eddie NIU
8 LaSalle, Parker NIU
9 Rueter, Griffin ILSTU
10 Rivera, Saul ILSTU
11 Miller, Anna BUFC
12 Herwig, Ryan BUFC
13 Shull, Jason BUFC
Unsanctioned Senior Mixed Epee 13 Competitors
Pl Fencer Club
1 Gamble, Ethan NIU
2 Honermeier, Max NIU
3 Denton, Caleb NIU
3 Kleiber, Alex NIU
5 Schilling, Ethan BUFC
6 Perez, Veronica NIU
7 Saxena, Akshat BUFC
8 Wulgaert, Jaimi BUFC
9 Portincaso, Joey BUFC
10 Rausa, Olivia BUFC
11 Robison, Owen BUFC
12 Pickens, Ebony NIU
13 Wetzel, Kurt BUFC
April 1, 2023
Markin Family Student Rec Center
812 Clarissa Court, Peoria, IL 61606 US
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Fencers currently enrolled in the following schools may participate: -Bradley University -Northern Illinois University -Illinois State University
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