Holiday Open Registrations

Unrated Y12 Mixed Foil Check-In Closed Saturday, Dec 2 at 10:00AM
10 Fencers (of 14 Max) : 10U Could be up to a NR rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Bokinala, Joshua Upper Valley Fencing Club UpperVlyFC U
Bratspis, Gil Vermont Fencing Alliance VERMONTFA U
Brostek, Samuel Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Jones, Finn Upper Valley Fencing Club UpperVlyFC U
Krohn, Daphne Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Lamoreaux, Andrew Vermont Fencing Alliance / Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA
Newton, Zeke Portland Fencing Center PortlandFC U
OGrady, Quinn Vermont Fencing Alliance-Charlotte VFAC U
Peden, Evelyn Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Wittmeyer, Ronan Vermont Fencing Alliance VERMONTFA U
Senior Mixed Epee Check-In Closed Saturday, Dec 2 at 10:00AM
28 Fencers (of 28 Max) : 1A, 1B, 9C, 7D, 3E, 7U Could be up to a B2 rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Bolduc, Patrice C2020
Bush, Thomas Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club RIFAC C2023
Cavnar, Peyton Gold Blade Fencing Center GoldBladeFC D2023
Collier, Samara Upper Valley Fencing Club / Upper Valley Fencing Club UpperVlyFC
Hansard, Jess Salle Catamount Fencing Club/university Of Vt / Rogue Fencing Academy SCFC/UNIVV
Henty, Colton Vermont Fencing Alliance / Lionheart Fencing Academy/Coeur Du Lion Fencing Cl VermontFA
Krohn, Matthew Vermont Fencing Alliance VERMONTFA U
Lamoreaux, Julie Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA E2023
Lamoreaux, Zachariah Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA E2021
Larochelle, Bastien D2021
Liu, Jeremiah Cavalier Fencing Club CFC D2023
Lussier, Jesse Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA C2023
Malenfant, Vincent C2023
May, Ciaran Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA D2023
Missert, Justin Seacoast Fencing Club SFC U
Pope McCright, Emma Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Qashou, Mohammad Vermont Fencing Alliance VERMONTFA D2023
Ruggles, William Upper Valley Fencing Club UpperVlyFC C2022
Schuppe, Ray Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA C2020
Shoneman, Sam Ocean State Fencing Club OceanStateFC D2023
Stewart, Robert Marx Fencing Academy / Seacoast Fencing Club MarxFencing
Szulzycki, Alexander RPI College Fencing Club RPIClgrFC D2023
Wald, Jonathan C2023
Walting, Paul C2022
Wei, Zikun No Fear Fencing / RPI College Fencing Club NoFear
Wheeler, Michele Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Yin, Chujun Cavalier Fencing Club CFC U
Zhang, William Cavalier Fencing Club CFC C2022
Senior Mixed Foil Check-In Closed Saturday, Dec 2 at 2:00PM
21 Fencers (of 28 Max) : 1C, 3D, 4E, 13U Could be up to a D1 rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Balch, Richard Trip Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Bush-Nickerson, Ashley U
Coffin, Carleton RPI College Fencing Club RPIClgrFC D2023
Elder, Justin D2023
Ezpeleta, Gaelan Vivo Fencing Club VivoFencing U
Fox, Viveka Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA C2023
Henty, Colton Vermont Fencing Alliance / Lionheart Fencing Academy/Coeur Du Lion Fencing Cl VermontFA
Hill, Brendan Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Holcomb, Cedric Vivo Fencing Club VivoFencing E2022
Macik, Axel Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Marcoux, Alexander Upper Valley Fencing Club UpperVlyFC U
Martin, Devorah Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Mazur, Chris Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Mazur, Nancy Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Mehrbach, Jesse Upper Valley Fencing Club UpperVlyFC E2023
Sheckman, Willow Vivo Fencing Club VivoFencing U
Szulzycki, Alexander RPI College Fencing Club RPIClgrFC U
Tasker, Monisha Marx Fencing Academy / Worcester Fencing Club MarxFencing
Wendell, Jay Seacoast Fencing Club SFC D2023
Wheeler, Michele Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA U
Yeh, Rodney Vermont Fencing Alliance VermontFA E2023