The Frances Duke Memorial

January 12 - 14 2018
Registration Closes January 13, 2018

Redlands Fencing Center
6909 W Hefner Rd STE B17, Oklahoma City, OK 73162 USA Map
Online Payment Required To Register
This is the 2nd Annual Frances Duke Memorial Championship. World Champion and Redlands Coach, Seth Kelsey will compete and hold a clinic this same weekend.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
This is the 2nd Annual Frances Duke Memorial Championship. World Champion and Redlands Coach, Seth Kelsey will compete and lead a clinic Friday and Saturday before. Register separately for the Seth Kelsey Training Weekend on AskFred or to schedule your private lesson with Seth, email The events this year will be: Y14 mixed Epee on Friday night at 6pm Unrated mixed Epee Sunday morning at 10am Open Mixed Epee (Seth Kelsey will compete) Sunday at Noon Location: Redlands Fencing Center 6909 W. Hefner Rd. #17B Oklahoma City, OK 73162 Contact: 405-474 7030