Arnold Fencing Classic 2011 Results

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Y14 Women's Foil 18 Competitors, D1 Event View Round Results
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Kaye, Abigail FAO C2010
2 Hood, Taylor BLUEGRASSF U
3 Ohlwiler, Mercette AFAD U
3 Mok, Sarah LFC E2010
5 Lee, Sophia Sunha UNAT U
6 Kelly, Mariah MECHANICS U
7 Artola, Isabela IFC U
8 Hood, Clarissa BLUEGRASSF U
9 Carion, Anya SALDULION U
10 Slade, Mycah GPCFC U
11 Maurer, Bridgette DARK HRSE U
12 Wagner, Anika TFC U
13 Proicou, Stamatia ROYALARTSF U
14 Kim, Laura Y. UNAT U
15 Beattie, Siena Renaissance U
16 Pierok, Allison SALDULION U
17 Pentecost, Jacqueline LIGONIERFC U
18 Kriebel, Rachel CRC D'ESC U
March 4 - 6 2011
Greater Columbus Convention Center
400 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215 USA
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The Eighth Annual Arnold Schwarzenegger Fencing Classic will include Open events, RYC events, a youth international championship. 25 strips and 3 days. See for complete details.
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NOTE: Earned ratings in AskFRED are only unofficial estimates. Final ratings are subject to USA Fencing and Division policies. AskFRED attempts to be as accurate as possible, but USA Fencing is the final authority for all ratings.
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