Forge Fencing - Priority on Youth #5 of 5 Finale' & Pizza Party!
Registration closes June 5, 2025 — in about 3 months
Online Payment Required To Register
Forge Fencing's annual Priority on Youth Tournament Series is back! Check the more info page for details. This event is our season finale' and pizza party!
The FORGE Priority on Youth tournament series is designed to provide a fun and positive atmosphere for youth to develop their competition skills and experience, while fostering their love and passion for competition. These events are geared towards athletes who are building skills to help them compete at the USA Fencing Regional and National level of competition.
Athletes will earn points by participating in each event. Athletes that participate in 4/5 of the tournament dates will be eligible to select an amazing prize from our prize table after the completion of the final event. We will post blog post updates on throughout the season with the current point standings.
Event fee is $30 per event. Event fees are paid online at the time of registration. The registration deadline is the Thursday before weekend of the event. Walk-in registrations are allowed, but at $50 per event. Registering early helps us plan better. Full self-refunds are allowed up to the Thursday before online through askfred.
Times listed are close of check-in. Fencers should plan on arriving to the venue one hour prior to the start of the event to allow time to check-in and warm-up and get dressed.
Medals are awarded to the top 4 in each event.
Tournament Formats:
Y8-Tournament Format will vary based on the number of participants but will focus on pool bout rounds. We will run a single or double round of "round-robin" pool events based on event size and time available.
Youth 10, 12, 14: These will be run with standard rounds of pools, with 100% promotion into direct elimination.
Eligibility and Uniform Requirements
- To calculate a fencer's age and eligibility, visit
- Y8 -- Born 2016-2018
- Y10 -- Born 2014-2017
- Y12 -- Born 2012-2015
- Y14 -- Born 2010-2013
Required Equipment
- Full regulation safety equipment is required, including: fencing pants, plastrons, and long socks.
- Full electric equipment needed for the weapon they are fencing.
- Gear can be rented for $25 at check in on the day of the event.
Foil Specific Gear
Foil bib masks will be required for the foil event. FIE padded chest protectors are not required but strongly encouraged, standard epee' chest protectors will be accepted.
2024-2025 Priority on Youth Schedule
December 9
January 12
March 16
April 27
June 8 - Finale' and Pizza Party!!!
These events are also training events for coaches and referees as well as the fencers.
Guest coaches, parents and outside club members are welcome to participate in building our regional strength.
Spectators are welcomed and encouraged! Enjoy watching the action from our spacious mezzanine.
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