October Open and Youth

October 19, 2013
Registration Closes October 18, 2013

Westport Central School
25 Sisco Street, Westport, NY 12993 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
The Green mountain Division's annual October 3 weapon tournament, with senior and youth events. Entry is $20 for the first event and $5 for each event thereafter, or $10 for the first event if preregistered by 10/15/2013.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
The Green mountain Division's annual October 3 weapon tournament, with senior and youth events. Entry is $20 for the first event and $5 for each event thereafter, or $15 for the first event if preregistered by 10/16/2013. Events Scheduled: Unrated Y10 & Y12 Mixed Epee starts at 9:30AM Senior open mixed foil starts at 9:30AM Unrated Y10 & Y12 Mixed Epee starts at 12:30PM Senior open mixed Epee starts at 12:30PM Senior open mixed saber starts at 2:30PM Preregistration opens on 09/20/2013. Preregistration closes on 10/18/2013. For more information email nyepee@westelcom.com