Freehold Fencing's Youth Foil/Epee Registrations

Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing, such as payment or approval status.
Y12 Mixed Epee Check-In Closed Sunday, Oct 8 at 9:00AM
4 Fencers : 4U Could be up to a U rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Douglas, Taylor Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Levchook, Thomas Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Luo, Ashley Medeo Fencing Club MEDEO FC U
Mishima, Torata Medeo Fencing Club MEDEO FC U
Y10 Mixed Foil Check-In Closed Sunday, Oct 8 at 10:00AM
10 Fencers : 10U Could be up to a E1 rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Arce, Andrew 5T Fencers Club 5T FC U
Arico, Trey Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Belokon, Sammy Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Lewis, Akhil Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy GUTKOVSKIY U
Lewis, Nikhil Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy GUTKOVSKIY U
Lin, James V Fencing Club VFENCING U
Ou, Elliot Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Walor, Riley Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Yip, Ethan Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Zeltser, Eric Unattached (or Unknown) UNAT U
Y14 Mixed Epee Check-In Closed Sunday, Oct 8 at 11:00AM
8 Fencers : 8U Could be up to a E1 rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Bove, Sofia Fishkill Fencers FISHKILL U
Choudhry, Hassan Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Gao, Judy Medeo Fencing Club MEDEO FC U
Gasiorowski, Devin Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Levchook, Nicholas Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Levchook, Thomas Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Luo, Ashley Medeo Fencing Club MEDEO FC U
Mishima, Torata Medeo Fencing Club MEDEO FC U
Y12 Men's Foil Check-In Closed Sunday, Oct 8 at 11:30AM
9 Fencers : 9U Could be up to a E1 rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Arce, Andrew 5T Fencers Club 5T FC U
Arico, Trey Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Basak, Ashton Premier Fencing Club PREMIERFC U
Garr, James Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Gur, Josef Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Lewis, Akhil Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy GUTKOVSKIY U
Lin, James V Fencing Club VFENCING U
Silverstein, Michael Durkan Fencing Academy DURKANFA U
Zeltser, Lawrence Manhattan Fencing Center MANHATTANF U
Y12 Women's Foil Check-In Closed Sunday, Oct 8 at 11:30AM
5 Fencers : 5U Could be up to a U rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Douglas, Taylor Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Douglas, Tyler Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Hillmanno, Leigh Sebastiani Fencing Academy SebastianiFA U
Ter-Akopov, Maya Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Walor, Riley Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Y14 Mixed Foil Check-In Closed Sunday, Oct 8 at 1:30PM
8 Fencers : 2D, 6U Could be up to a E1 rated Event
Fencer Club Club Rating
Cai, Oliver Sebastiani Fencing Academy SebastianiFA U
Garr, James Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Jayprakash, Atharv Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
Lauricella, Douglas Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA D2017
Reznick, Nicholas Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA D2017
Tseng, Jonathan Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA U
You, Arthur Premier Fencing Club PREMIERFC U
Zeltser, Lawrence Manhattan Fencing Center MANHATTANF U