Youth Porthos Challenge - 2017

March 26, 2017
Registration Closes March 24, 2017

Twin Cities Fencing Club
741 Holly Ave, St Paul, MN 55104 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Y10/12/14 events. $20 registration fee if pre-registered for first event, $15 each additional event. $25 for first event and $20 for each additional event if registering at the door. USFA membership required; all USFA equipment rules will be enforced.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
The second tournament of the 2016-2017 MN Division Musketeer Series! Participants will be added to a rolling points list - after the third Musketeer tournament, the top fencer in each category will receive an additional award. $20 registration fee if pre-registered for first event, $15 each additional event. $25 for first event and $20 for each additional event if registering at the door. The MN Division accepts checks, cash, or credit/debit cards. This is a USFA-sanctioned tournament and competitive memberships are required. All USFA equipment rules will be enforced. For the 2016-2017 season Y10 includes birth years 2006-2009, Y12 includes 2004-2007 and Y14 includes 2002-2005. Events Scheduled: Y10 Mixed Epee (10.30 am) Y10 Mixed Foil (9 am) Y10 Mixed Saber (11.30 am) Y12 Mixed Epee (12.30 pm) Y12 Mixed Foil (11.30 am) Y12 Mixed Saber (1.30 pm) Y14 Mixed Epee (10.30 am) Y14 Mixed Foil (9 am) Y14 Mixed Saber (11.30 am) If you are interested in refereeing at this tournament or helping with bout committee, please fill out the MN Division officials form: . Once we have your information, the Tournament Committee will be in touch! Preregistration opens on 07/25/2016. Preregistration closes on 3/24/2017.