The 2015 Battle in Seattle Division I-A ROC
Vet Combined Men's Epee Round Results
Round of 32
(1) Mehall, Michael
(32) (Bye)
(17) Malaguzzi, Carlo
(16) Comes, John
(9) Johnson, Jeff
(24) Chang, Henry
(25) Redding, Russel
(8) Delgado, Eli
(5) Perka, Michael
(28) Baldwin, Robert (Bob)
(21) Robinson, Doug
(12) Jensen, David
(13) Blom, Mark
(20) Fafard, Joël
(29) Meyer, Nicolas
(4) Cranor, Erich
(3) Varney, John
(30) Leonardini, Barry
(19) Ault, Christopher
(14) Mar, Kevin
(11) Neale, James
(21) Klein, Johannes
(25) Fly, Paul
(6) Reid, Brentwood
(7) Walker, William
(25) Swann, Bill
(23) Loeffler, Carl
(9) Suveg, Bela
(15) Moore, Michael
(18) Sharpe, John
(31) (Bye)
(2) Raush, George
Round of 16
(1) Mehall, Michael
(17) Malaguzzi, Carlo
10 - 1
(9) Johnson, Jeff
10 - 3
(8) Delgado, Eli
9 - 10
(5) Perka, Michael
10 - 5
(12) Jensen, David
4 - 10
(20) Fafard, Joël
6 - 10
(4) Cranor, Erich
3 - 10
(3) Varney, John
10 - 3
(19) Ault, Christopher
10 - 8
(11) Neale, James
10 - 4
(6) Reid, Brentwood
3 - 10
(7) Walker, William
10 - 8
(9) Suveg, Bela
10 - 9
(15) Moore, Michael
10 - 6
(2) Raush, George
Top 8
(1) Mehall, Michael
10 - 9
(8) Delgado, Eli
5 - 10
(12) Jensen, David
7 - 10
(4) Cranor, Erich
5 - 10
(3) Varney, John
7 - 1
(6) Reid, Brentwood
7 - 8
(9) Suveg, Bela
10 - 8
(2) Raush, George
6 - 10
Final 4
(1) Mehall, Michael
9 - 8
(12) Jensen, David
8 - 10
(3) Varney, John
9 - 6
(2) Raush, George
4 - 10
Gold Medal Bout
(1) Mehall, Michael
10 - 8
(3) Varney, John
10 - 7
(1) Mehall, Michael
10 - 5