South Texas Division Referee Clinic Hosted by Olympian Fencing Club

May 25, 2024
Registration closes May 24, 2024

Olympian Fencing Club 3200 McCullough Ave., San Antonio, TX 78212 USA Map

Accepts Payments Online
Come join us to learn how to become a certified USA Fencing referee with Gary van der Wege. All three weapons will be taught.

The Referee Clinic is the first step in becoming certified as a referee in the US. Upon completion of the seminar, one is then eligible to take the on-line referee test. Upon passing, the candidate may be observed for a referee rating. All three weapons will be offered.

The clinic is also valuable for fencers, coaches and parents interested in learning and gaining a better understanding of the rules and interpretations.

Adults seeking certification must also be SafeSport certified members of USA Fencing.

Gary van der Wege is a Certified Referee Instructor and Observer who has officiated at the highest level of National and International events as well as Tokyo 2020.

Cost: $40 payable online or at the door by CASH or CHECK to Olympian Fencing Club.

Time: 10:00 AM to approximately 5:00 PM. Cost includes pizza and sodas brought in for lunch.

Location: Olympian Fencing Club, 3200 McCullough Ave. San Antonio, TX 78212