47th Annual Bourbon Open Results

Mixed Saber 9 Competitors, E1 Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Boylan, John LOUISVILLE U E2019
2 Forbes, Wyatt LOUISVILLE U
3 Wilson, Dawn LOUISVILLE C2018
4 Mai, Carl XFC E2017
5 Daum, Alan SALDULION U
6 Gregory, Andre MSFC U
7 Johnson, Pamela LOUISVILLE U
8 Clauson, Anthony BGFA U
9 Benning, Conor INDYSABRE U
Mixed Foil 10 Competitors, E1 Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Kent, Dwain LOUISVILLE U E2019
2 Biesiada, Jan LOUISVILLE U
3 Prijatel, John XFC U
4 Biesiada, Jacek LOUISVILLE U
5 Pointer, Skyler MSFC U
6 Bentley, Shawn MSFC U
7 Sample, Molly MSFC U
8 Mullen, William MSFC U
9 Fife, Malcolm MSFC U
10 Skaufel, Shelby MSUF U
Mixed Epee 13 Competitors, E1 Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Kent, Dwain LOUISVILLE E2019
2 Kristiansen, Phillip LOUISVILLE D2019
3 Gleckner, Aidan CFAFLLC D2017
4 Biesiada, Jacek LOUISVILLE E2019
5 McCubbins, Tyler EPIC U
6 Prijatel, John XFC D2019
7 Gregory, Andre MSFC E2019
8 Slaght, Jen HCMA U
9 Kent, Matthew LOUISVILLE D2018
10 Hughes, Mason LOUISVILLE E2019
11 Parsons, Chandler MSFC U
12 Sharp, James MSUF U
13 Biesiada, Jan LOUISVILLE U
November 23, 2019
Louisville Fencing Center
1401 W Muhammad Ali Blvd, Louisville, KY 40204 USA
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We welcome you to join us for the 47th annual Bourbon Open. The Bourbon Open is KY Division's Signature Event! $35 First Event, $10 per 2+ event. College Students with ID, $25 First Event, $10 per 2+ event.
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NOTE: Earned ratings in AskFRED are only unofficial estimates. Final ratings are subject to USA Fencing and Division policies. AskFRED attempts to be as accurate as possible, but USA Fencing is the final authority for all ratings.