Gobbler's Revenge After-Thanksgiving Epee

November 27, 2021
Registration Closes November 26, 2021

Lake Jackson TX
Online Payments Not Accepted
We're back! The Gobbler's Revenge rides again! Did you eat too much on Thursday? Feeling slow and sluggish and sick of your relatives? Come out and join us for a day of epee and more epee! Lots of fun for all ages!
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Covid Precautions: We will of course be following the US Fencing guidelines regarding Covid precautions. The whole document can be found here under "Return to Local Events Guidelines": https://www.usafencing.org/coronavirus#Events What this means: * I can't loan out equipment of any kind. Sorry. * We'll clean the gym, have hand sanitizer available, and will only have bottled water as concessions. Bring your own food, it should be a nice day and you're welcome to sit outside to have a snack. * Surgical or cloth masks are required for everyone in the gym, including competing athletes, per the USFA guidelines above: "All persons must wear surgical or cloth masks covering the nose and mouth while present in the venue, including athletes while they are competing." Bandanas, gaiters, and other similar items are not masks and don't count. You have to wear a real mask. We'll have some disposable medical masks to hand out if you forget yours. This will be enforced, so wear your mask, ok? Thank you! Entry fees: $25 first event, $10 second event. Special rate of $35 if you enter both. US Fencing Membership required. We will not be accepting paper renewals, so re-up your membership now! If you forget you can renew on your phone, but we can't take paper renewals, sorry. $10 late fee if you don't pre-register! So pre-register! But only if you're coming! Thank you! Events Scheduled: Div II Mixed Epee, registration closes at 10 am, fencing starts at 10:30. Div II Women's Epee, registration closes at noon, fencing starts at noon:30. Unrated Mixed Y12 Epee, registration closes at 1 pm, fencing starts at 1:30. We will run the Mixed Random Draw Team Epee if people still want to fence some more. It will start about 3 pm or so, depending on registration numbers from Women's and Mixed epee. If you'd like to wait and see how you feel after your individual event to decide on the Team event that's fine, don't feel obligated to sign up for the team event beforehand. No Y12 fencers in the team event, sorry. If we do have enough people (6 minimum) signed up for a team event we'll sort you into top, middle and bottom thirds based on results from individual events and the opinion of the bout committee and pull names out of a hat to make up teams on the spot. If we have a lot of people signed up we may use some imagination in the format; last year, for example, we ran a pool of teams, each round to a multiple of 3 rather than 5, each round to a max of 1 minute rather than 3. At any rate, it will be a lot of fencing but will not go on until midnight. It's fun! Come out and fence! All USFA rules will be enforced. Masks, gloves, and body cords will be checked before fencing. If you are under 18 and your parent/guardian won't be coming with you to the tournament, you must go here: https://askfred.net/Committee/Downloads/fileDL.php?file_id=56 print off the form, and have a parent or guardian sign it, and bring it with you, or you won't be able to fence. Won't that be sad? I think that will be sad. So print it off and get it signed and bring it with you. Sorry, your coach cannot sign it in place of a parent. Directions: The address is: 500 College Dr. Lake Jackson, TX 77566 The gym is on the NORTH end of campus. There are three entrances to the campus; take the one which is furthest EAST and follow the signs. If you get lost call me at 979 848 7433 See you there!