Purdue Winter Open

December 7, 2019
Registration Closes December 7, 2019

Purdue Cordova Recreational Center (CoRec)
355 N Martin Jischke Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Join us at the Purdue Winter Open! It will be held at the Purdue CoRec in the feature gym! $20.00 per event if preregistered, $30.00 at the door. A-rated Fencers can fence for free if they preregister!
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Welcome to the Purdue Winter Open! The event will NOT be held in MP5 but in the Feature Gym! Doors open at 8:00 AM with the first event starting at 9:00 AM sharp! Parking: CoRec Parking Lot. It is free on the weekends. Preregistration will close at the event times. Those that preregistered will pay $20.00 at the door. If you did not preregister, you will have to pay $30.00 at the door. USFA Fencing membership is required and needs to be updated to participate. Cash or checks only please! A-rated fencers, meaning your current USFA rating is an A, can fence for free. However, in order to be eligible, you have to preregister! The event times are as follow: Mixed Epee: 9:00 AM Mixed Saber: 12:30 PM Mixed Foil: 3:00 PM Hope to see you there! -The Purdue Fencing Club