OSU Open

October 3, 2015
Registration Closes October 1, 2015

French Field House
460 Woody Hayes Dr., Columbus, OH 43210 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
A Rare Opportunity! There will be 20 strips and some incredible fencing! Sorry!! No High School Students! The schedule will be released on the 21st of September.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
A Rare Opportunity! Only $25 (pick one event) Now is your chance to fence at The French Field House on The Ohio State University Campus across the street (north) of The Shoe (football stadium). There will be 20 strips, great referees, and some incredible fencing! This event is open to any fencer that is NOT a High School Student!! If there are not enough fencers for a Gender/Weapon separation, then it will become a "Mixed Event". Registration will close 30 minutes prior to the start of each event. The schedule for this event will be announced on Monday, September 21st. Preregistration opens on 09/14/2015. Preregistration closes on 10/01/2015 (at midnight). Registration at the door is $35