Don Laszlo Memorial Cup 2019

February 23 - 24 2019
Registration Closes February 22, 2019

University of Calgary, Gold Gym and Auxiliary Gym
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Calgary, AB T2N1N4 CAN Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Please note that you must pay event fees online at in addition to pre-registering for your event(s). Once you have paid, your pre-registration will be confirmed and you will be considered registered for your event(s). Please contact if you have any questions. Location: University of Calgary Kinesiology Complex, Gold and Auxiliary Gyms Saturday February 23rd 8:00AM - SMF, SWF, JME, JWE, Y12MS, Y12WS, Y10MF, Y10WF 10:30AM - JMS, JWS, Y14MF, Y14WF, Y12ME, Y12WE 12:30PM - VetMf, VetWF, UniME, UniWE, JMF, JWF 3:00PM - CMS, CWS, Y14ME, Y14WE, Y12MF, Y12WF Sunday February 25th 8:00AM - SME, SWE, CMF, CWF, UniMS, UniWS 11:30AM - SMS, SWS, CME, CWE, Y10ME, Y10WE 2:00PM - UniMF, UniWF, VetME, VetWE, Y14MS, Y14WS We are looking for referees for this event. If you are interested in being a referee please email Preregistration opens on 01/23/2019. Preregistration closes on 02/19/2019.