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The 9th Berry Invitational/Name a Strip Fundraiser

October 27, 2018
Registration Closes October 27, 2018

Davis Fencing Academy
2121 Second St. Suite A-104, Davis, CA 95618 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Help the DFA buy grounded strips to improve future tournaments. Winners will get their name printed onto the end of one of our new grounded strips! Price: $40/event Events: Open Foil: 10:00am Open Sabre: 1:00pm Open Epee: 2:30pm
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Help the DFA buy grounded strips to improve future tournaments. All Entry fees go towards The flooring in the new DFA location. If we earn half the cost of a strip, the names of the winners of the three events (foil, epee, and sabre) will permanently adorn DFA's gold medal strip! Email if you have any questions. Price: $40/event Events: Open Foil: 10:00am Open Sabre: 1:00pm Open Epee: 2:30pm Events Scheduled: Mixed EpeeMixed FoilMixed Saber Preregistration opens on 09/27/2018. Preregistration closes on 10/26/2018.