TWC/FIA-B Youth Fencing Day Camp

August 12 - 16 2019
Registration Closes August 11, 2019

Salle Palasz
1120 N Rolling Rd, Catonsville, MD 21228 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
August 12th - 16th, 9am to 5pm. Snack and lunch included. Participation is $425.00 for non-members and $325 for members. Discounts for military families, and families with more than one child enrolled in camp are available.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
August 12th - 16th, 9am to 5pm. Snack and lunch included. The TWC/FIA-B fencing camp is back. Join us for a week of fencing for youth and college fencers of all levels. This camp is open to fencers under 18 and to current college students and recent graduates. We will work with fencers based on their own skill level, whether they are beginners, intermediate, or advanced. We will cover fencing skills, techniques, tactics, and strategies. We will cover preparing for competitions in terms of training, health, mental preparation, and gear. We will cover armoring, refereeing, and tournament management. In addition we will have enrichment activities in the afternoon that expand beyond the world of fencing. There will also be lots of basic athletic training. But most of all, our fencers will have a great time. Participation is $425.00 for non-members and $325 for members. Discounts for military families, and families with more than one child enrolled in camp are available. For questions contact Coach BJ by email at ***Special*** College students and young adults interested in training to be coaches contact us for the opportunity to attend to train in our coaching development focus Non-Member Enrollment Member Enrollment