WNY Circuit #9

April 27, 2014
Registration Closes April 27, 2014

University of Rochester
Spurrier Gymnasium, Rochester, NY 14627 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
The street address for UR River campus is 252 Elmwood Ave Rochester, NY 14611 (There is no street address for Spurrier, sorry!) Parking can be found in Library Lot or Intercampus lot. Spurrier is located behind Susan B Anthony residence hall.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
This is the ninth tournament in the WNY circuit; all three weapons. This tournament will be held in Spurrier gym. Entry is $20/event at the door. You will be required to show a valid USFA membership. Remember extra weapons, working body cords, knee high socks, and a plastron. USFA also requires electric bibs for foil fencers. Directions from the UR River campus entrance: From Wilson boulevard, at the stop sign, turn right onto Trustee road, then left onto Intercampus drive. After you pass two stop signs, Library lot will be just beyond on the left. Intercampus lot is on the right. From Library lot, with the Library on your left, walk to the end of the lot towards Sue B residence hall. Walk past Sue B, down towards Anderson and Wilder residence halls. Spurrier will be on the left, and the gym is on the first floor. Events Scheduled: Mixed Foil - 9am Mixed Saber - 12pm Mixed Epee - 2pm Preregistration opens on 02/25/2014. Preregistration closes on 04/27/2014.