Holiday Youth Meet

January 7, 2012
Registration Closes January 6, 2012

247 South Water, Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Come, enjoy great fencing at a fantastic venue. First Event: $20.00 Additional Events: $10.00. Medals for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Preregister on Fred only. Entries end on Jan. 6th. No entries at the door. Sign-in ends for all three events at 12:30PM
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Milwaukee Sport Fencing is having its first tournament of the new year on Saturday, January 7th, following Saturday practice. Entry through preregistration on "FRED" only. Preregistration ends at midnight on January 6th. No entries "at the door". The tournament will follow our intermediate/advanced practice on Saturday January 7th. We invite fencers from other clubs to join our practice at no charge. Sign-in ends for all 3 events at 12:30PM. This meet is a Youth event with tournament fencing opportunities for young fencers with birth years between 1997 & 2004. Y10 = 2001 - 2004 Y12 = 1999 - 2002 Y14 = 1997 - 2000 Fencers may be eligible for more than one event. All competitors must be USFA competitive members and have all necessary protective equipment and gear. We will have many new fencers that have just recently acquired tournament gear competing. Y10 fencers are required to use “0” or “2” length blades while competing. While we will enforce all tournament rules and regulations, this is meant to be a “learning experience” for many of the competitors. As such, the referees will be inclined to “explain things” as they happen. The tournament fees are as follows. First event: $20.00 Additional event: $10.00 We may have some foils and body cords to rent if anyone has their gear “go bad”.