2014 Indiana Cup and Division Elections

July 19, 2014
Registration Closes July 19, 2014

7606 E 82nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Join us for this annual Indiana Division fencing event and Division Election at Firebird/IFC fencing facility in Indianapolis. Cost is $20 per weapon - $25 if not peregistered. "A" rated fencers compete for free in their weapon.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Join us, July 19th for the 2014 Indiana Cup - an annual Indiana Division fencing event and Division Election at Firebird/IFC's fencing facility in Indianapolis. This event will feature competition in Mixed Epee and Mixed Foil - providing an excellent opportunity to hit the strip one final time this season. The annual Division meeting and election of officers will proceed the foil event at approximately 1:30 Cost is $20 per weapon - $25 if not pre-registered. "A" rated fencers compete for free in their weapon. Awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in all events. As a USFA and Indiana Division event, this event is open to all USFA membership fencers - especially those from KY/IN/OH/MI/IL. However, only Indiana Division members will be able to vote or run for election in Division Elections. Events Scheduled:(Registration closes at times listed) Mixed Epee 08:45 Mixed Foil 1:15 For additional information contact either Indiana Division Chair Larry Shipp at 317-344-9088 / larry@firebirdfencing.com Preregistration opens on 07/1/2014. Preregistration closes on 07/18/2014.