California State High School Fencing Championships

May 20, 2012
Registration Closes May 19, 2012

Ramon Cortines High School (VAPA #9)
450 N. Grand ave. Los Angeles CA 90012, Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Come join us for the California State Fencing Champs! No more than 2 events per person, and you must be a current high school student. Please bring school ID and proof of USFA membership. Cost is $20 per event.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
PLEASE NOTE: there is an AMGEN sponsored California Cycle Race which will pass through downtown very close to the school on Sunday. Consequently, there will be street closures on Sunset and Cesar Chavez, up Grand to Temple. We have made arrangements with the people running it to let through people who say they are going to the high school (VAPA). Anyone coming from Main and Temple can come up Temple, past the Cathedral, and then speak to a Police Officer about letting them onto Grand (over the freeway). Robert Sanchez, the gentleman from Traffic said there will definitely be street closures from 10 AM - 11:30 AM... but folks can watch NBC Sports Live to see when the race finishes. As soon as the race is over the streets will become unblocked. The 101-South Off ramp at Temple will remain open. If you're coming North bound on the 101 please try to get off at around Main and Temple and go up Temple. To get onto campus, I am requesting that the Grand Ave Gate (next to the 101) be opened to allow drivers onto campus – the corner of Cesar Chavez and Grand IS part of the cycle route and will be completely blocked off – and that the Cesar Chavez Gate also be opened for folks to then drive off the service road and into the Parking Complex (for the City LA Ballet Company). You can see the whole race route at: on PAGE 5; you can hit Control+ to increase the magnification of the image. Come join us for the California State Fencing Champs! No more than 2 events per person, and you must be a current high school student. Please bring school ID and proof of USFA membership. Cost is $20 per event. Each school is restricted to 4 fencers per event. Please note adjusted close of check-in times. Events Scheduled: Junior (U19) Women's Epee 9.30am Junior (U19) Women's Foil 11.30am Junior (U19) Women's Saber 2.00pm Junior (U19) Men's Epee 8.00am Junior (U19) Men's Foil 11.30am Junior (U19) Men's Saber 2.00pm Preregistration opens on 05/09/2012. Preregistration closes on 05/19/2012.