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KS Division Fencing Referees Clinic

May 18, 2024
Registration Closes May 17, 2024

Kansas City Fencing Center
12932 W 87th St Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66215 US Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
Kansas Fencing Division is sponsoring a USFA referee seminar on Saturday, May 18 at KCFC.

Kansas Fencing Division is sponsoring a USFA referee seminar on Saturday, May 18 at KCFC. The seminar is free for Kansas Division members. Bill Oliver - USFA referee/instructor will run the seminar. Clinic hours: Lecture-9am-1(1:30pm),Observation-2:00pm

The seminar is a mandatory part of the referees certification.

Here are the requirements to achieve a referees rating in the

United States:

  1. A completed seminar held by a CRI
  2. A passing score on the general and weapon(s)
  3. sections of the online exams
  4. An observation by an examiner or CRI at a
  5. tournament.
  6. USFA membership with Professional
  7. membership/Safe Sport cleared(over age18)

The written test is now offered online and typically taken shortly following the clinic, though it may be taken in advance: 

Please make sure that you have adequately prepared by going through the Study Guide: 

Who should attend:

  1. Aspiring referees-Who need to fulfill the requirement for a seminar.
  2. Athletes-Who want to improve their game and gain an understanding of what makes a winning action.
  3. Parents-Who want a better understanding of tournament format and the foundation of the sport their children are involved in.
  4. Current referees-Who want to update their understanding of rules, right of way, and need to update their seminar attendance in the referee database.
  5. Coaches-Who want to reference their teaching with what is being called at a national and international level.

Please, register ASAP so we know how many attendees to prepare for. The registration deadline is May 17