Full Circle Foil Results

Senior Mixed Foil 23 Competitors, B1 Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Hogan, Benjamin VERMONTFA A2011
2 Parker, David SC B2012
3 Yu, Ethan VERMONTFA B2012
3 Whalen, Jared CVFC C2012
5 Yu, Abigail VERMONTFA D2012
6 Hou, Yangjian SC D2012
7 Alvarez, Ashton VERMONTFA D2011
8 Fox, Viveka VERMONTFA C2010
9 Brisson, Jack VERMONTFA E2011
10 Brisson, Benjamin VERMONTFA D2012
11 Pomicter, Madeline VERMONTFA D2011
12 Yamada, Connor SC U
13 Puffer, Keith CBMS D2010
14 Tighe, Matt CBMS U
15 Lee, Christopher GUTKOVSKIY E2012
16 Wheeler, Ian VERMONTFA E2011
17 Lee, Brian GUTKOVSKIY E2012
18 Staats, Peggy CVFC U
19 Snell, Ethan CBMS U
20 Staats, F Lloyd CVFC U
21 Fredette, Aggie CBMS E2012
22 Sanborn, Ian VERMONTFA U
23 Shores, Gary VERMONTFA U
E & Under Senior Mixed Foil 15 Competitors, D1 Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Brisson, Jack VERMONTFA E2011 D2012
2 Lee, Christopher GUTKOVSKIY U E2012
3 Lee, Brian GUTKOVSKIY E2012
3 Bechhoefer, Zach VERMONTFA U E2012
5 Wheeler, Ian VERMONTFA E2011
6 Staats, F Lloyd CVFC U
7 Richer, Gretchen VERMONTFA U
8 Fredette, Aggie CBMS E2012
9 Sanborn, Ian VERMONTFA U
10 Dartt, Noah VERMONTFA U
11 Tighe, Matt CBMS U
12 Shores, Gary VERMONTFA U
13 Staats, Peggy CVFC U
14 Snell, Ethan CBMS U
14 Bright, Anders VERMONTFA U
Y10 & Y12 Mixed Foil 8 Competitors, E1 Event
Pl Fencer Club Rating Earned
1 Mantegna, Nicholas VERMONTFA U
2 Staats, Abe CVFC U
3 Staats, Jeannette CVFC U
3 Bailly-Hall, Isidora VERMONTFA U
5 Lee, Allison GUTKOVSKIY U
6 Elder, Jackson VERMONTFA U
7 Dartt, Zeb R. VERMONTFA U
8 Lobdell, Lawrence CVFC U
May 12, 2012
Westport Central School
25 Sisco Street, Westport, NY 12993 USA
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Fees are $10 if preregistered 5 days in advance, otherwise $20 and $5 for a second event. Events Scheduled: Senior Mixed foil, Y12 Mixed foil, E & Under Mixed Foil, Classical Foil Demo (see "more info")
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NOTE: Earned ratings in AskFRED are only unofficial estimates. Final ratings are subject to USA Fencing and Division policies. AskFRED attempts to be as accurate as possible, but USA Fencing is the final authority for all ratings.