Black Light Fencing

April 20, 2012
Registration Closes April 19, 2012

Salle Palasz
1120 N Rolling Rd, Catonsville, MD 21228 USA Map
Accepts Payments Online
Fencing in the Dark? Sure!! Glowing equipment, music, friends, food! We will provide the glow-in the dark parts, you have to bring the fencing, friends and music. Entry fee includes 2 slices of pizza and a soda.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
Fencing in the Dark? Sure!!.... Glowing equipment, music, friends, food!. We will provide the glow-in the dark parts, you have to bring the fencing, friends and music.. $20 Entry fee includes 2 slices of pizza and a soda. Events Scheduled: Mixed BLACKLIGHT Epee Mixed BLACKLIGHT Foil Mixed BLACKLIGHT Saber We will start around 7:30pm until? Round robin format so you need to come early... and you will surely leave late. Not a USFA event Preregistration opens on 02/16/2012. Preregistration closes on 04/19/2012.