Salle du Lion Competitive Foil Clinic

September 6 - 7 2014
Registration Closes September 4, 2014

Salle du Lion Fencing Center of Cincinnati
3385 Creek Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
This clinic will focus on getting foil fencers ready for the tournament season. Fencers will get individual attention from coaches and learn strategies for competing at tournaments.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
This camp is for competitive youth fencers ages 7-16. This will be an intensive camp not for beginners. It is required that fencers have at least 6 months experience. Coaches:Ryan Howell and Liran Gross Time: 10-4 both days-includes lunch Cost: $200 20 fencers maximum. Paid registrations take priority. Okay to only come one day just email organizer at or 513-720-4268. Preregistration opens on 08/21/2014. Preregistration closes on 09/04/2014.