Mid-South Regional Saber Clinic w/ Jacek Huchwajda

September 6, 2014
Registration Closes September 6, 2014

Mid-South Fencers Club
125 N. Gregson Street, Durham, NC 27704 USA Map
Online Payments Not Accepted
The clinic's general foci are control and initiative: how to use technique, timing and distance to create the right choices to get touches and win bouts.
Note This is a Old AskFRED event. Registrations and results are all correct, but some other data could be missing.
The clinic's general foci are control and initiative: how to use technique, timing and distance to create the right choices to get touches and win bouts. We will look at common problems and situations which come up on the strip, and look at ways to develop the skills necessary to be successful at high-level saber. This clinic is appropriate for intermediate through advanced level saber fencers and their coaches. Athletes should come with workout clothes (shorts + t-shirt), full regulation fencing attire and a willingness to learn. Cost: $45 for Mid-South Members, $55 for all others. Clinic Schedule: Saturday, 9/6 – 1:00 - 5:00 pm Staff: Jacek Huchwajda Bio Here: http://midsouthfencersclub.org/coach/ Location: Mid-South Fencers' club offers 12 electric strips with 8 full-size competition ready strips. We are air-conditioned, have a shower and locker rooms. We are located in walking distance to several food establishments and short driving distance to hotels.